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School closes on Friday 19th July and re-opens on Tuesday 3rd September 24

Head Teacher's Welcome

Welcome to our new school website. We are a large multicultural Junior School near the centre of Huddersfield.  At Birkby Junior School we work hard to provide a creative, enjoyable and rewarding learning experience for each child in an inclusive, secure and stimulating learning environment.

We are proud of our school community and celebrate the rich and diverse backgrounds of all our pupils.

The Staff and the Governing Body at Birkby Junior School are committed to working together to give children the academic and life skills they will need to be successful.

We care about our Parents and Carers, we welcome your involvement and we look for your support in ensuring good attendance, good behaviour and hard work from your children. We operate an open-door policy and welcome you into the school anytime you would like to talk.  Hopefully you can find all the information you need on our website but if you can’t please feel free to call into school. We will be happy to help you and answer any further questions you may have.

Thank you

Mrs Susan Davis
Head Teacher

Enjoy our virtual tour and find out more about Birkby Junior School



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School Calendar

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School News

School News Feed
  • Important
    8 July 2024
    ABC Hub attendance letter
    Dear Parents and Carers, Please see attached, a letter about changes to DfE guidance regarding attendance. This new guidance will come into effect from September 2024. Please take time to read this letter carefully as it contains important information about unauthorised absences and changes to penalty notices. Kind regards Mrs Farrington (AHT/Attendance Lead)
  • Club
    5 July 2024
    After School Clubs
    Dear Parents/Carers, Next week all of our Summer Term After School Clubs will come to an end. There will therefore be no after school clubs the week beginning 15th July 2024. A letter will be sent out via School PING asking parents to apply for a new place in the Autumn Term. Thank you for your support. Yours Sincerely, Mrs R Mir Learning Mentor
  • Important
    2 July 2024
    Multi Academy Trust Consultation
    Dear parent/carers, Our MAT Consultation is now completed. Information about the consultation is available on the Industrious Education Trust website, please click the link below to find out more. https://www.industriouseducation.org.uk Kind regards Mrs S Davis
  • Event
    1 July 2024
    Summer Family Fun Sessions - Tolson Museum
    Dear parent/carers, Please see attached details of the Summer Family Fun sessions at Tolson Museum which are now available for booking. Kind regards Mrs Davis
  • Event
    1 July 2024
    Health and Fitness Day
    Dear Parents/Carers, On Wednesday 3rd July, school will be hosting a Health and Fitness Day! One half of this day will include our annual sports day. For the rest of the day, children will be learning all about healthy eating. On this day, please can children arrive in school PE kit and sensible shoes. In the case of warm weather, children will also need to arrive in a hat and wearing sun cream. Thank you for your continued support, Mrs G Hodgson PE lead
  • General
    26 June 2024
    Summer Holiday Camp
    Dear Parent/Carer, Please find information from Little Stars regarding a Summer Holiday Camp. We would like to invite you to apply for the Summer Holiday camp. The main eligibility criteria as that your child should be on Free School Meals in order to get a place. The places are prioritised for 4-8 year olds. The Camp will be held between Monday 22nd July and Thursday 15th August 2024. It will be held each day between 10am and 2.00pm for a total of 16 days but you can book the exact days that you require. The fun activities that children get involved in will include; Arts and Crafts, Football, Cricket, Dodgeball, Air Hockey, Team Building and other Outdoor and Indoor activities. We will also provide children with a hot lunch each day. Spaces are very limited to 25 and the eligibility criteria stipulates the need for children attending the Holiday Camp to be to be entitled to Free School Meals. The registration link to complete the form is below: https://bit.ly/LSHC2024 As places are limited we will need to prioritise those that meet the eligibility criteria. Little Stars Clare Hill Centre Clare Hill Huddersfield HD1 5BS 01484 501080 07422 900471 Web: mylittlestars.uk
  • Weather
    24 June 2024
    Hot Weather
    Dear parents and carers, Now the summer weather is finally here please would you remember to make sure your child wears a sun hat if needed and has applied sun cream before school. All children have a water bottle in class which they can regularly refill. I have attached a useful information leaflet about keeping safe in the sun and hot weather. Kind Regards, Mrs S Davis
  • General
    19 June 2024
    Schools Out Summer Sessions
    Dear parents and carers, Please find attached information about Summer sessions for 8-11 year olds at The Branch. Details of how to book a place for your child are included on the leaflet. Kind regards, Mrs E Mills
  • General
    19 June 2024
    Summer workshops for parents and carers
    Dear parents and carers, Kirklees Keep in Mind are running a range of parent workshop during the Summer holiday. They cover a wide range of topics including; • Introduction to children’s mental health and wellbeing • Supporting your child during the summer holidays • The teenage brain • Preparing for the return to school • Managing big emotions • Self-harm • Transition to high school • Sleep hygiene for primary school children • Sleep hygiene for secondary school children • Supporting your child through GCSE/A Level exam results Please see the attached leaflet for more information and details about how to book a place. Kind regards, Mrs E Mills
  • Event
    17 June 2024
    Art Week - Gallery Exhibition
    Dear parents/carers, Please join us at school to celebrate the fabulous art work produced in Art Week this year. Our Gallery Exhibition in the main hall will exhibit the work of all our Year 6 pupils. All other classes will be creating an art gallery display of work produced in their classroom. You are invited to visit between 2:00 and 2:45pm on Thursday 20th June. Please enter school via the main entrance to attend, so we can direct you to the appropriate areas and make sure you see everything on offer. We look forward to seeing you, Miss Ingram Creative Arts Lead.
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